Due to the bulky nature of cupping materials, shipping fees are calculated based on volumetric dimensions rather than weight by shipping companies. This is why the shipping fees for cupping cups are high. They should not be compared with websites selling general shopping items.
For example; The shipping fee you will pay for an average of 1 box of cupping cups requires a higher shipping fee than much more expensive products you would buy on other shopping sites. This is very normal. Because cupping cups take up a lot of space and their dimensions are very large. Thus, the shipping fees are quite expensive.
With our agreement with domestic shipping, our boxes we send to our customers are calculated approximately 70-80% discounted. You can see the shipping prices of the products by adding the products you want to buy to the cart.
Due to the poor transportation conditions of shipping companies, sometimes breakages can occur in the cups during transportation. To minimize these breakages, we are very careful about packaging the boxes. When closing the boxes, depending on the amount of material received, we fold the boxes properly and in necessary cases, we compress the products with packaging materials (cardboard, bubble wrap, etc.). Finally, with strapping, we make the box even more sturdy, making it easier to transport in the cargo and preventing the products from dispersing during transportation by preventing the box from bursting.
Despite all these precautions, small breakages during shipping may still occur. If there are broken cups when you receive the products, you can notify us on your next order, and we will add new cups equal to the number of broken ones.